We have made a little stand alone app for your convenience in referring patients to us.
The App is called ISEReferralsApp (not a huge amount of imagination in the name!) and is just a single exe file which does not install into your computer or anything. It just works by itself without affecting anything else on your computer. This app emails us the information, along with up to three attachments such as images or documents (only file types: jpg, bmp, png, gif, docx, odt and pdf). The app is only Windows compatible, so the trendy (Mac users), geeky (Linux) users or mobile obsessed (Android) users are out of luck at the moment.
Just click on the link below and download the zip file.
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbfeufmjqalg9w1/Dr_Gale_ISEReferralsApp_1_1.zip?dl=0
The Zip file is hosted on Dropbox, and its not clear initially what to do to get the download. Just close the irritating box asking you to sign in – as you don’t have to sign in. Then click on the small button at the top right of the screen, then choose “Direct Download” and it will all happen nicely. See the screenshot below.
Place the zip file in a directory where you have permissions to do stuff (e.g c:\Users\Public\Documents) and unzip the zip file to get the three files within. Then double click the ISEReferralsApp_2.exe file and follow the prompts. Be sure to add your dentist details in Page 3 of the app, including a valid email address. After that, there’s a PDF help file included in the download zip file named Dr_Gale_Referral_Software_HowToUse_230618.pdf) to show you the way. Any issues, let us know.
That’s it folks. We look forward to helping your patients.